This is a pretty awkward thing for me to do, and never have felt particularly comfortable voicing my opinions about things, but I feel really pressed to share my feelings about a couple issues politically. In Arizona there is a serious, moral issue on the ballot this year. It is a proposition to be added to the Constitution of Arizona, stating that marriage is to be between and man and woman, only. Very rarely does the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints get behind politics, other than telling us all to vote, but this time, the church has really stepped up, and is asking all its members to share and support this issue and vote YES on Prop 102. It goes back to Gods plan, and how He created us, gender specific, and how He wants the world to be. God created Adam and Eve, one man, one woman, and commanded them to be together and multiply and replenish the earth. Homosexuality has no future, it brings no lasting joy, it damages and insults Gods plan. Please do your part and help solidify this beautiful truth of marriage, of family, and of Gods ideals, and vote YES on Proposition 102 in Arizona!!! The next issue at hand, is the future of our country. I have to say honestly that the choices we have for president of our great nation are pretty pathetic. They both have lots of words, bad decisions and agendas that I do not particularly agree with. Yet, we all have a responsibility as citizens of the United States of America, to voice our opinions and VOTE. It is important to do this, because if you choose not to vote, you have no right whatsoever to complain about anything politically. Everyones voice needs to be heard, that is the beauty of our land, and our government. That is what our founding fathers wanted. So as November approaches, and the politicians really begin to share their opinions on how this great nation should be run, PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, study the issues, and vote for the lesser of the two evils. I will be voting for John McCain and Sarah Palin. My reasoning behind this decision is because I see them as a more conservative, REAL choice. I see them standing up for issues that affect me, like my marriage, my family, being pro-life, their approach on the failing economy, and other issues. They both seem more honest, more real.
Even if you disagree with me and my husband, and chose to support someone else, PLEASE go to the polls on November 4th, and VOTE!!!!! It is your right, take advantage of it.
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