I took some impromptu pictures of my kiddos a couple days ago. Here are a just a couple that I just love...
Yes, there is our chicken coop in the background, and a bucket, and a chair growing out of Jays' head. Hey, it is the way things are around here... Nathan is pulling his "rabbit face"that he recently perfected, and Emily is looking just a bit too seductive for her own good.
We have had a pretty normal, busy week around here. David went to jury duty in Snowflake last week (You didn't know Snowflake summoned jurors, did you? Neither did we.). He also spent a couple days out on the "rez", and helped out in Nathans' classroom yesterday for Parent Enrichment. I hauled four out of seven of us to the dentist a couple times last week. We all came out unscathed, teeth cleaned and/or sealed, and no cavities! Except for Nathan, who unfortunately inherited the bad teeth in the family. He has two new cavities, and has to go back in in a couple weeks to get those filled and to get a chrome cap (I think that is what they called it) put on. One of his pesky fillings refuses to stay put, so we are taking drastic measures and making it a bit more permanent (at least until that baby tooth falls out). He is so excited to get that silver tooth, that you would think he had just won the lottery or something.
Nathan also took a big step along with turning eight, that now involves bobcats, wolves and eagles. He entered Cub Scouts, and has had so much fun reading through his Scout book, and earning his badges. He and I went to his Pack Meeting last month, where he hung upside down and I got to pin his Bobcat Badge on. I can see him taking this scouting stuff really seriously. Let Scouting Begin!
And lest I forget, wasn't General Conference just wonderful?!? I have felt more and more like my Heavenly Father really knows ME, and I can't believe how many times I heard something during the talks that I felt was just for me. My favorite moments that I can think of right of the top of my head are, of course, Pres. Monsons' Relief Society talk on washing our own windows before we judge someones' laundry, Pres. Ucthdorfs' talk on s l o w i n g d o w n, and another one by Pres. Monson about having a spirit of thanksgiving, and being grateful for what we have, and not focused on what we lack. There were many more great messages that I took from conference, that I will share later this week...
Well, there is our family on this Friday...
And lest I forget, wasn't General Conference just wonderful?!? I have felt more and more like my Heavenly Father really knows ME, and I can't believe how many times I heard something during the talks that I felt was just for me. My favorite moments that I can think of right of the top of my head are, of course, Pres. Monsons' Relief Society talk on washing our own windows before we judge someones' laundry, Pres. Ucthdorfs' talk on s l o w i n g d o w n, and another one by Pres. Monson about having a spirit of thanksgiving, and being grateful for what we have, and not focused on what we lack. There were many more great messages that I took from conference, that I will share later this week...
Well, there is our family on this Friday...
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