Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Okay, you've stayed long enough, It's time to go, NOW!

So, for anyone who has read my blog or has known me for more then about 12 seconds, knows that I HATE cold. HATE winter. HATE snow. And yet, here I live in one of the coldest places in Arizona (yeah, so I thought "Cactus + desert = Arizona.") freezing my little bottom off. That snow that started falling last year is STILL here. And it has passed the point of 'a beautiful freshly fallen snow' to a 'brown, slushy, icy, ugliness snow'. And the temperatures are not raising high enough yet to really allow for much melting. I am impatiently waiting for this stuff to melt, so I can send my kids to school and outside without a massive undertaking bundling up... (think A Christmas Story here). Well, enough complaining, I just needed a moment to vent. That is all.

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