Monday, December 19, 2011

Last, but not least, EMILY turns 7!

Emily was born today.  Seven years ago.  We all woke her up this morning with a rousing rendition of "Happy Birthday".  She got to open her presents, and was treated to breakfast in bed.  After the traditional orange slice sharing and giggly orange slice smiles and kisses, I decided to share the story of Emily's birth.  Its a good one, and the kids all thoroughly enjoyed all the details (but no too many!).  As I know that I have already shared her story in great depth on this blog a few years back (no, I don't know how to link it), I will give a quick summary.

1)Extremely stressful Sunday with two very rambunctious children aged 2 and 1. 
2)House an absolute disaster!
3)Long walk in the bitter cold trying to get contractions started.
4)Last minute game night planned with Uncle Ben and a few other friends.
5)Rushed house clean for said game night.
6)Kids to bed WAY past their bedtimes.
7)Late night Star Wars movie watching.
8)To bed by 11pm
9)Awoken at 11:14pm with HUGE contraction.  OUCH!
10)Water breaks at 11:17pm
11)Headed toward the hospital, speeding and running red lights.
12)Got to the ER at 11:52pm
13)Emily born at 11:54pm.  (yes, that is only 2 minutes)
14)Born at 36.5 weeks, in 45 minutes from first contraction to birth.

So, happy 7th birthday my sweet Emmy Jo Beans. 

P.S.- no more birthdays in this Peterson household until May...  PHEW....

1 comment:

Amanda said...

Wow, Graham was born 7 minutes after getting to the hospital, Kortnie was 43 minutes and Stasia was 2 1/2 hours. But 2 minutes! Oh my gosh! Happy Birthday Emily. December 19 is a popular day. I know at least 6 people with a Dec 19 birthday!