Monday, October 4, 2010


I admit that I am in denial. I am in denial that my tree is changing colors, my mornings are a bit colder then normal. I am in denial that my grass is fading, and my legs feel cooler in shorts and flip flops. I am in denial that summer is leaving me. It makes me sad and depressed, and makes me want to cry just thinking about all the LONG hours of being trapped inside because of the snow and cold. I refuse to put a "fall-y" background up, so this Halloween one is as close as I can get you.

I already miss summer....

1 comment:

Russel and Marcie Sipes said...

You are correct about all of the above. But I do like Fall NOT winter. I like being able to wear a jacket. And not sweating so much when I walk my trash out to the street. But you are right I miss summer too.