Sunday, April 26, 2009
The funny things kids say...
1) It was a particularly windy day here in Snowflake (60+ MPH) a few weeks ago. Now, Nathan usually walks home from school, but because it was SUPER windy I decided to go and pick him up so he didn't end up blowing away =). I met him, and he climbed up into the van. He asked me "Mommy, why did you pick me up?" I said, "It's a tornado out there! I just thought you would like a ride home so you didn't have to walk in the wind." Then he matter-a-factly looks at me and says, "It's not a tornado mom, there is nothing spinning around!" I swear that boy is smarter then his own good.
2) We were all driving home one night from being out at Davids parents house. Emily, Aubrey and Nathan were discussing (aka fighting) about knowing how to drive. Here is how the conversation went down...
Emily- "I know how to drive!"
Nathan- "No you don't! Do you know how to 'go'?"
E- "Yes! You push on that button (pointing down at the gas petal)".
N- "But do you now how to turn?"
E- "Yeah! You turn that round circle thing!"
N- "Do you know how to stop?"
E- ", but I know how to jump."
3) One day I was changing Jay's diaper, which was poopy. He had a terrible diaper rash that had, just the day before sent us to the doctor for a stronger ointment for his poor little bum. He was still very tender and red, and Emily was standing over us. She looked at his bottom and said, "Look mommy, Jay has an ouchy bottom! I think he need a new one!"
Funny little kids!!
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Risk, gardens and"clumb-ing" Pikes Peak
David's brother Ben and his wife Amy came to town, and we have had a blast with them and their two little boys. The kids have enjoyed playing with thier cousin Isaac, who is almost 2, and I have enjoyed holding little (or should I say BIG) Hyrum who is only 3 months old and weighs nearly 20 pounds already!! He is one chunky baby- I never had chunky babies, so I was probably overly fasinated by all his rolls and chins. =) Inevitably having Ben and Amy around means lot of game nights with treats and late nights with little sleep. It has been late nights (nearly midnight) all week long, but it is all good because we shared lots of laughter, stories, talking, and played all sorts of games. They left back to Provo this morning, and they will be missed. Looking forward to June when they come again!
Other than that, on Thursday I went with Aubrey and got her registered for kindergarten next year. YEAAHHHH!!!!! She enjoyed finding a few friends from church, and really did well with the teachers. She sat quietly, participated, and even whined that she didn't want to leave when the night was over. That is always a good sign that she will do alright. She kept calling Highland Primary, 'Nathan's school'. I told her that soon it would be her school too. She liked that... and the cookie on the way out the door. =)
Today we got about half of the garden planted. We have 8 raised boxes, and got 4 filled and planted today. There was lots of tilling, sowing, and mixing involved. We have our carrots, peas, beets, radishes, swiss chard and butternut sqaush planted. The tomatoes, corn, zuchinnis, and a few others are saved for sometime during the week or next weekend. I am excited because this year I get to plant rasberries and blackberries. YUM. =)
Here are a few shots of our progress today.....
This is what Aubrey calls 'helping'. We asked the kids to help pick up the bigger rocks that the tiller kicked up, and so she went inside, drew a flag, taped it to a stick and put it in our pile of mulch. Well, it makes for a funny story... She has struggled quite a bit today with listening... yet again, she seems to struggle with it everyday. ={
PS- Part of the title of this post is from a classic John Wayne film called 'The Sons of Katie Elder. The scene goes something like this: Brother #1- I clumb Pikes Peak. Brother #2- You mean you "climbed" Pikes Peak. Brother #1- Yeah, thats what I said! I clumb it! At least I thought it was funny...and it is supposed to go along with the flag atop the mulch hill. Have a great week!
Monday, April 13, 2009
Eggs- Coloring and the hunt!
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Easter Sunday
Have a Very Happy Easter
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Back to the stone ages
Think we are moving? Wrong. Think I am pregnant? Wrong again; plus don't you think I would already be as 'big-as-a-house' if I were due in June?!? I never meant to have it be such a big deal, because it is not. Curse the BOLD and ITALICS feature offered at Blogger! =) So, come June we are canceling our satellite, Internet and land line bundle that we have with Frontier (the phone company). See, no big deal. Yes, we will be going back to the stone ages with no TV and Internet again, and we will just be using my cell phone as the home number. And for those of you concerned, I still have access to the Internet, but it won't be at our home, and we won't have to pay for it, so I can still blog! (just not as often) =) All I can say is, it is time to dust off all those DVDs!
It is in an effort to save money, and also limit the time that we waste in front of the computer and TV. I am not looking forward to the change, but we don't really have a choice, and heck, less the two years ago we didn't have TV or Internet, and we were just fine!
More quality time with each other while saving money.... I'll take that any day. (note: this is a better use of italics!)
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Happiness in struggles
There was some build up this year to conference at this household! We were both very excited to hear the words of the prophets. It was a goodun'! Most of the talks were focused on finding joy, comfort, lessons, etc. through these tough times that are happening now and that are to come. A few things that really stood out to me were
1. You do not need to follow the path of Laman and Lemual to know that the path of Nephi is better. (M. Russell Ballard). This was a very sobering lesson for me that I wish I would have learned as a youth. It would have saved me a lot of self-inflicted agony, and unneeded pain.
2. The Six Destructive D's- Doubt, Discouragement, Distraction, lack of Diligence, Disobedience, and Disbelief. (Kevin W. Pearson). One leads to the other, which leads to the next, and so on. So we must not doubt, because doubt (and fear) lead to places we shouldn't be.
3. Knowing the the seed is good is not enough to save us in the end. (Deiter F. Uchtdorf). I need to make a better effort to continue reading my scriptures, praying, and otherwise having a gospel-centered home.
4. We need to get on with our lives! (Steven E. Snow) I need to be more willing and able to accept the changes that are here now, and be a better support my hubby as he does so too.
5. Take the steps that it takes to get back to the straight and narrow; and then stay there! (President Thomas S. Monson).
Other then conference, this house has been pretty laid back and lazy this weekend. I spent nearly all of yesterday outside (hence the sunburn I now have), cleaning out, organizing and planting flowers in the backyard. I am pretty proud of my accomplishments out there. It looks better then it EVER has, in the entire 4 years we have lived here. And today, the focus will be on the inside. It is in desperate need of a clean-up...yet again! Laundry, changing bedding, doing dishes..... ah, the JOYS of my life.
I am super excited that we are FINALLY getting a fence in the backyard. After only 5 kids! Hahahahaha! I am sick and tired of having to have a 24/7 watch on those monkeys out there. Jay and Betsy both go wandering into the great abyss nearly every time they are in the back yard. No big deal, right??? Wrong. There is a road just past our boundary line in the back. It is not at all busy, and only a handful of people use it on a daily basis, but I still don't want my kids out playing on it! Not to mention our dog able to get out and chase cars... sorry about that neighbors! =)
This weekend I think that we are going to get our garden planted. It is going to be a BIG one this year. I am happy to do it, and can't wait to be eating and sharing all of our bounty =)! We have starters that we planted inside that are almost ready for transplant. I am hoping that we are finally out of the grips of winter, and that the weather will continue getting warmer... we shall see.
The calender is pretty empty (so far!) this week. Nothing to busy or pressing planned yet. Although next week is the kindergarten registration and orientation. I will be going to get Aubrey registered for next year. I am SO excited about that!! Sorry, I am not the type of mommy that gets teary-eyed about sending my kids to school... I probably will when it is Jay, but not until then. =)
Sorry this ended up so long... I think most of my blogs from now on will be more spaced out and a little longer in length. I am trying to cut back on the time I sit in front of this computer screen. Come June much will change... more on that later! =)
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Date night
*ANSWER: You take advantage of the situation, and go out on a date with your hubby instead!! YAHOO!!!! =)
....Hopefully she will still be willing to watch them again when Enrichment Night is rescheduled!!